“The Sovereign Individual.”
Fancy title.
Misleading though.
Words have meaning. Definitions are important. Reckless to misuse.
Adjective: having supreme power or authority.
Noun: a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
Noun: supreme power or authority; the authority of a state to govern itself or another state.
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
A "sovereign individual."
Great buzz word. It sells. Very sticky.
To many, they want sovereignty. They believe it obtainable. To them, it means disregarding the laws of man. Ignore the state. To abide by natural law. I empathize.
Others, means financial control. That all you need is X. "You hold it, you own it." I sympathize.
Are we wrong?
Went nomadic last year. Living a "sovereign" life. Trying to at least...
I was a foreigner in foreign lands.
Their rules didn't apply to me. I'm passing by. But, as my father would say, "my house, my rules." If you wanted to stay, respect their ways.
I grew up around gangs. There's a saying: "don't start nothing, won't be nothing."
"Game recognize game," was another.
If you were a gang-banger, but showed respect, you could walk on enemy turf. Disrespect, you found out.
If you can match power-for-power, by all means. Have at it. Stake your claim.
If not...
Johnny Somali
He's a streamer. A bad one. Rotten to the core.
Went to Japan.
Disrespected people, places and things. Did what he wanted. Disregarded the land. Authorities went after him. One man, hundreds of agents.
Escaped to Korea.
Tried to do the same thing. Desecrated the culture. The land didn't accept. Authorities went after him. The people hunted him. They saw him. They beat him. Bruised, bloody and broken.
He tried to hide. They found him.
Took his passport. Tossed in prison. Serving 16 years.
He believed he was above the law. Found himself below the gavel.
A billionaire.
Massive estate. Thousands of employees. Hundreds of businesses. Protects his property. Helps his people.
Fights the government for decades. It's relentless. He's withstands attacks.
Becomes a ruler. Not once, but twice. He commands the state's power now.
Modern day royalty.
A candidate for sovereignty. But still under the law.
I run businesses.
Making my own money. Have employees, attorneys and accountants. At times, I deal with the state.
I negotiate with others. Businesses, institutions and individuals. I watch over my people. I protect myself.
I'm a family man. A husband. A father.
I care for aging parents. Guide nieces and nephews.
I provide and protect.
Am I sovereign?
Self-made man.
Understood the game. Decided not to play.
He hired guns—attorneys and armies. He had land, guns, and grit. The state came for him.
The game changed.
No choice, he had to play. The state, they played. Hard. John McAfee fought. He lost everything.
He lived his principles.
But true sovereignty isn't for individuals.
A tiny nation.
Recognized by some, ignored by most.
Stuck between Serbia and Croatia. No army, no power. It wants sovereignty.
But sovereignty takes more than a claim—it takes control.
US States
Each state stands on its own.
Own military. Own resources. Own laws. But they answer to D.C.
D.C. has no land, but it holds power.
Desert empire.
Built from oil, trade, and ambition.
Seven emirates. Seven rulers. United, but not equal.
Each emirate governs itself. Own laws. Own rulers. Own wealth.
But they answer to Abu Dhabi.
Johnny, Trump, McAfee... myself, we answer to someone.
There's a framework, social constraints, and responsibilities. Got to know where the lines are.
That, or become a nation unto yourself.
Supreme power and authority.
Royalty, the state, rule.
They own the land. They create the laws. They use violence to enforce.
The difference:
The royals, through force, claimed title. The state, through organized violence, established it.
They answer to no one.
But kings fall. States collapse. Power shifts.
One eternal concept of sovereignty...
He rules all.
Whether you believe or not, the point stands.
All answer to him. He answers to no one.
This is sovereignty.
We know a family.
Lovely, friendly and down-to-earth.
They own hundreds of acres, plus water.
200+ homes live on their land. Each built their own. "Micro-nations." They pay "tax" to the lords of the land.
But the landlord pays for resources—power and pipes—and tax to the State. They follow regulations. They work within the law.
They could be sovereign—if they had a military. But that would mean war with the State.
To be Sovereign
You stand alone.
You answer to no one.
You don't use other's systems, resources or force.
Even off-grid, you rely on something. Someone.
You can have the money and land. Without a military to defend...
It's exile. Not power.
1 : the quality or state of being self-governing, especially : the right of self-government
2 : self-directing freedom and especially moral independence, personal autonomy
3 : a self-governing state
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
This is obtainable.
8 billion nations.
Each with land and laws.
Respect each power. They respect yours.
That's how 190 nations do it. We can too.
If agreed, then this is the proper term.
We can achieve it.
We aren’t sovereign rulers. We can be self-governing.
"Autonomous individuals."
Free to act—within a framework—for ourselves.
We can govern ourselves—free from coercion.
Know the game.
Play the rules.
Be responsible.
No one is sovereign. Not truly. But autonomy?
That’s real.
That’s power.
That’s obtainable.
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